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Many young people today are struggling with a sense of belonging, which can have serious consequences for their mental health and overall well-being. While it's natural to want to fit in and be accepted, this desire should not come at the cost of one's own self-worth and individuality. Unfortunately, many young people feel pressure to conform to social tendencies and expectations, even if it means compromising their own values and identity.
This is what we call a "belonging pandemic", and it's a problem that affects youth around the world. When young people prioritize fitting in over being true to themselves, they often end up feeling anxious, depressed, or disconnected from their own sense of purpose and meaning in life. That's where Code Dignity comes in.
Our program is designed to help young people recognize and embrace their own dignity, so they can make smart choices and navigate the challenges of adolescence and young adulthood with confidence and resilience. Through engaging speaker presentations, videos, group discussions, and a workbook, we provide young people with the tools and knowledge they need to protect their own dignity and that of others.
We believe that every person is valuable and has a unique purpose in life, and we work to instill this belief in the young people we serve. By creating a shared code of dignity and respect, we empower young people to stand up for themselves and others, even in the face of social pressure or adversity. With Code Dignity, young people can learn to be good friends while embracing their individuality. They can also find true belonging in a community that values and supports them for who they are.

Code Dignity Kids 8-12 years
Introduction to the concepts of DIGNITY and Self Respect.
Electronic devices vs.TIME
Differentiation between PRIVATE and PUBLIC
4 DOORS to protect self Dignity
FRIENDSHIP as a very important KEY
Code Dignity 12-16 years
Introduction to the concepts of DIGNITY and Self Respect.
Differentiation between PUBLIC, PRIVATE AND INTIMATE
DOORS to protect self Dignity: AWAKENING TO TAKE ACTION
FRIENDSHIP as a very important KEY.
Code Dignity 16-18 years
Introduction to the concepts of DIGNITY and Self Respect.
Differentiation between PUBLIC, PRIVATE AND INTIMATE
DOORS to protect self Dignity: AWAKENING TO TAKE ACTION
FRIENDSHIP as a very important KEY.
Options Available
Provide young people with access to this workbook, which they can read and work through, addressing all the topics that Code Dignity proposes as key to identifying values and anti-values in their daily lives. The workbook will serve as a valuable tool for parents/guardians to initiate communication, incorporating examples and customizing the content to suit their children's particular circumstances.​
Workbook & Introductory Video
In addition to the workbook, they will have access to an introductory video, targeted to young people, in which we will provide you with an explanation of the purpose of the workbook and the specific goals of each chapter, as well as a motivational and inspirational reflection on the importance of addressing and working in protecting their dignity.​
Code Dignity Workshop
With this option, we will schedule a workshop/course with the group, led by a speaker who is trained to deliver the content of the Workbook and other materials such as videos, music, and discussions ​that have been created to enhance the content and make working with Code Dignity a practical and inspiring experience.
About Me
Hi, my name is Barbara Aranda Diaz and I was born and raised in Mexico City. I'm the third and only girl in a Catholic family. I got married to a wonderful man in 2009, and in 2017, we moved to Texas with our three gorgeous kids.
My husband and I believe that pursuing the best possible education for our kids, spiritually, socially, and academically, is extremely important. We understand that in order to achieve the best, we must take action. That's why in 2019, I certified to bring the "Shield of Dignity Course" (Curso de Escudo de la Dignidad) to the Woodlands. The course teaches adults and low elementary kids tools for preventing sexual abuse in minors. I've seen the big benefits in kids and families who grow in awareness with such a beautiful tool.
As a parent, I'm concerned about the complex environment around our youth and I've often wondered how to find options of courses or workshops designed to embrace the dignity, self-respect, and smart choices for middle schoolers. This concern led me to start developing my new project - CODE DIGNITY. The project aims to ensure that this generation of children will find the resources and opportunities to grow up to become the healthy and strong adults they are meant to be in a clear direction.
In these confusing times, I believe that we should all take a step to be compassionate and caring for those important years that our teens will be living and passing so fast. I hope and pray that my content will always help as many kids as possible, even though I know that they are a challenging audience. However, I firmly believe that they are completely worth it!